Monday, July 12, 2010

noah and kaden

Let's start by saying how much i love our kids and how much they make my life so exciting you never know what's going to happen next. kaden is now 3 years old and still is as silly and crazy as can be. he loves to draw now, and count to 10. well he counted correctly 1-10 for a while and now he just does random number but he will get it one of these days. he tries to tie his shoes, which means he just twists the shoe laces around and around and around till they wont go anymore. he loves to dance to any music, he moves his butt and shakes what he has, and when i watch him he gets embaraced.
Kaden is one of my angels in life when i am feeling down or is having a hard day he knows just how to cheer me up. Kaden will give me hugs and kisses, wipe my tears away (with his fist but gently), and he helps me out so much around the house. Kaden has my heart, and i hope he knows i would do anything for him to have a fullfilled life.
Right now kaden is sleeping upstairs on the in-laws couch, because we are having a sleep over while daddy is hard at work tonight. I look at him and think to myself, how much he means to me and how much i love him. I wish i could put it in words my feelings i have inside for my boys.

Now it's Noahs turn. What do i say about our chubby little man? he is 8 months old, and will be crawling soon, before he sits. (At least that's what it is looking like right now). He has been rolling around like a ball for the past 2 weeks about, and i love putting him in one spot, and checking on him and he is in a diffrent spot. He doesn't have any hair yet but a little peach fuzz, (he rubbed all of it off). He loves to shake his head no, but doesn't know what it means yet.
Noah has me wrapped around his little fingers, he knows that John and I don't like to hear him cry and scream, so he will cry louder and scream longer till we give him attention or pick him up. Unless I can sneak away out of the room, and be quiet about it then he is just fine, but when he hears you leave watch out here comes the screaming part.
Even though he can be hard at times, I just love it when he lays his head down on my shoulder after eating and just rests. I love that feeling, i have for sure bonded with him and love it.
I just am in love with both of my boys, it's hard to put in words and wish i could. I love my life and my family, and wouldn't change anything at all!!

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